Jonathan Lynn

A New York based multimedia production artist and interactive designer and devloper. As a detail oriented, hard working individual, I bring a unique mix of artist, designer and developer all in one. Dedicated to my work, I look at every project as an opportunity to showcase my skills. Having over 15 years of experience in the industry I understand the ins and outs of the advertising world and have worked with and for a variety of agencies. Carefully managing the schedule and cost of every project allows me to bring the best possible work to every client, on time and on budget. I specialize in Flash and HTML5, but I am also well versed in many other types of animation and development tools, languages and processes. I am able to design and write code simultaneously, allowing for faster project turnaround.

Interactive Designer & Developer

I am a skilled Interactive Developer with strong and extensive Flash, HTML(5), CSS, JavaScript (and related frameworks), and Adobe Creative Suite experience. I am a self-starter who is always eager to learn and improve my abilities in the contantly changing interactive industry. I have a strong visual eye and understanding of design concepts, as well as a perspective on front and back-end technologies and their impact on the design and development processes.

Multimedia Production Artist

As a multidisciplinary production artist with a background in illustration, graphic design, animation, video editing and front-end development, I have worked with the likes of The New york Times, Pfizer, Biogen, Sqare Enix and Capcom. Incorporating a unique blend of artisitic and technical skills I offer expertise in all of the aformentioned abilities as well as continually growing my skill-set to keep pace with the ever-evolving medium of the web and multimedia technologies.

Please feel free to download my resume by clicking here.

Flash Advanced Certification

mm badge

Double Click Studio Certification

dcQA badge dcStudio badge